








03/2019  至今           副教授,社会与公共管理学院,华东理工大学

08/2009  07/2018讲师,安泰经济和管理学院,上海交通大学

05/2007  06/2009         助理研究员, University of British Columbia,加拿大

01/2004  04/2007         卫生经济学博士后, University of British Columbia,加拿大

09/1997  07/2003经济学博士, Simon Fraser University经济系加拿大

09/1996  07/1997经济学硕士, University of Guelph经济系加拿大

09/1990 07/1995  工学学士中国科学技术大学管理科学系




1.      Zhang, Nannan, X. Li*, and Xuesong He. Role conflict, role ambiguity, and depressive symptoms: the moderating effects of job autonomy among social workers in China. International Journal of Social Welfare, 2021. Accepted.

2.      Li, X., and Xiaoyue Sun. Child development in rural China: Does parental migration matter? Children and Youth Services Review, 2020. Doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105654.  (SSCI)

3.      Li, X., Nannan Zhang, and Xuesong He. Role stress and depressive symptoms among social workers in China: the moderating effects of social support. British Journal of Social Work, 2020. Doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcaa193. (SSCI)

4.      Li, X*., Wei Zhang, Huiying Sun and Aslam Anis. Effects of health status on work exit and absenteeism among the older working population in China: a secondary analysis of a cohort sample. BMJ Open, 20199: e024115. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-024115. (SCI)

5.      Ren, Yijiong, and X. Li*, Direct and indirect costs of families with a child with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in an academic hospital in China: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 2019, 9:e030511. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030511 (SCI)

6.      Wei Zhang, Huiying Sun, and X.Li. The association between chronic conditions and work productivity loss among older urban population in China. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine2018, 60(9): 832-838. (SCI)

7.      Yi Che, and X. Li*. Retirement and Health: Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 20184984-95. (SSCI)

8.      Chun-Yu Ho, X. Li, and Weimin Zhou. Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and Pharmaceutical Innovation: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights, Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap in Asia: the Role of Trade, Manufacturing, and Finance, ed. Bihong Huang, Peter J. Morgan and Naoyuki Yoshino, Asian Development Bank Institute 2018.

9.      Chun-Yu Ho, X. Li*, and Weimin Zhou. Unbalanced Growth and Health Care Expenditures: Evidence from China. Economics of Transitions, 2014; 22(4): 739-758. (SSCI)

10.    Li, X*, Wei Zhang. The Impacts of Health Insurance on Health Care Utilization Among the Older people in China. Social Science & Medicine 2013; 85:59-65. (SSCI)

11.    Li, X*, and AH Anis. Cost sharing of prescription drugs and demand for health care utilization among seniors with rheumatoid arthritis. Applied Economics Letters 2013; 20: 23-27. (SSCI)

12.    Li, X, H Sun, DC Marsh and AH Anis. Factors associated with pretreatment and treatment dropouts among Aboriginal clients admitted to medical withdrawal management. Harm Reduction Journal, 2013; 10:38. (SSCI)

13.    Li, X, H Sun, DC Marsh and AH Anis. Factors associated with seeking readmission among clients admitted to medical withdrawal management. Substance Abuse 2008; 29(4):65-72. (SSCI)

14.    Nosyk, B, X Li, H Sun and AH Anis. The effect of Homelessness on Hospitalization among HIV+/AIDS Patients. Aids Care 2007; 19(4): 546-553. (SSCI)

15.    Li, X, D Guh, D Lacaille, JM Esdaile, and AH Anis. The impact of cost sharing of prescription drug expenditures on health care utilization by the elderly: own and cross price elasticities. Health Policy 2007; 82(3): 340-347. (SSCI)

16.    Li, X, H Sun, A Puri, D Marsh, and AH Anis. Factors associated with pretreatment attrition and dropout among clients admitted to medical detox. Journal of Addictive diseases 2007; 26(3): 77-86. (SSCI)

17.    Li, X, H Sun, D Marsh, and AH Anis. Impact of Welfare Cheque Issue Days on a Service for Those Intoxicated in Public. Harm Reduction Journal. 2007; 4:12. (SSCI)

18.    Li, X, H Sun, A Puri, D Marsh, and AH Anis. Medical withdrawal management in Vancouver: Service description and evaluation. Addictive behaviors. 2007; 32: 1043-1053. (SSCI)

19.    Nosyk, B, H Sun, X Li, A Palepu, and AH Anis. Antiretroviral therapy and hospital readmission: comparison of a matched cohort. BMC Infectious Diseases 2006; 6:146. (SCI)

20.    Li, X, M Gignac, and AH Anis. Workplace, psychosocial factors, and depressive symptoms in workplace among people with arthritis: a longitudinal study.  Journal of Rheumatology. 2006; 33(9):1849-1855. (SCI)

21.    Li, X, M Gignac, and AH Anis. The indirect costs of arthritis due to unemployment, reduced performance and occupational changes while at work. Medical Care. 2006; 44(4):304-310. (SSCI) 


1.     The Role of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture Match in the Relationship between Pay Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: A Moderated Mediation Model, co-authored with Yiqing Yuan and Xuesong He. (submitted to American Journal of Community Psychology)

2.     Economic Fluctuation and Health: Evidence from China, co-authored with Xi Zhu, and Chun-Yu Ho.

3.     Health Shocks and Consumption Insurance in Rural China: The Roles of Self and Public Insurances, co-authored with Chun-Yu Ho, Dannis Yang and Qinghua Shi.


1.      上海浦江人才计划 (10PJC054): 上海市社区慢性病防治干预项目的卫生经济评价-成本效果研究,主持

2.      上海市教育委员会科研创新项目 (12ZS108): 上海白血病患儿家庭经济负担及支持政策研究,参与

3.      国家自然科学基金项目 (71273176): 医保支付制度对利益相关者作用机理及整体优化机制研究,参与 


1.      12th World Congress of International Health Economics Association, The effects of health status on work productivity among older working population in China, Boston, USA, July, 2017.

2.      11th World Congress of International Health Economics Association, Retirement and Health: Evidence from China, Milan, July, 2015.

3.      iHEA & ECHE Joint Congress, Economic Fluctuation and Health: Evidence from China, Dublin, Ireland, July, 2014.

4.      Health System Reform in Asia 2013(HSRA), Do the stronger IPRs increase FDI spillover in innovation? Evidence from pharmaceuticals in China, Singapore, December, 2013.

5.      10th World Congress of International Health Economics Association, Health Shocks and Consumption Insurance in Rural China: The Roles of Self and Public Insurances, Sydney, Australia, July, 2013.

6.      11th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management and Policy. The Impacts of Health Insurance on Health Care Utilization Among the Elderly in China, Athens, Greece, June 2012.

7.      Health System Reform in Asia 2011HSRA, The Impacts of Health Insurance on Health Care Utilization Among the Elderly in China, Hong Kong, December, 2011.

8.      9th World Congress of International Health Economics Association, Cost sharing of prescription drugs and demand for health care utilization among seniors with rheumatoid arthritis, Toronto, Canada, July, 2011.

9.      The International Symposium on Social Aspects of a Changing Population, Cost Sharing of Prescription Drugs and Demand for Health Care Utilization among Seniors with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Singapore, November, 2010.

10.    St. Pauls Hospital, Work in Progress Seminar, Evaluating Barriers to Access and Effectiveness of Medical Withdrawal Management, Vancouver, BC, November, 2006.

11.    Addiction Service Education Day, Vancouver Detoxification Service: Description and Evaluation, Vancouver, BC, November, 2006. 

12.    St. Pauls Hospital, Work in Progress Seminar, The impact of cost sharing of prescription drug expenditures on health care utilization by the elderly: own and cross price elasticities, Vancouver, BC, May 2006.

13.    St. Pauls Hospital, Work in Progress Seminar, Cost Sharing of Prescription Drugs and Demand for Health Care Utilization among Seniors with Rheumatoid Arthritis - Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Vancouver, BC, March 2006.

14.    Medical Decision Making Annual Meetings, Cost sharing of prescription drugs and demand for health care utilization: evidence from a natural experiment. San Francisco, October, 2005.

15.    4th International Conference on Urban Health, An in-depth analysis of medical detox clients to assist in evidence based decision making, Toronto, October, 2005.

16.    5th World Congress of International Health Economics Association, The Impact of Cost Sharing of Prescription Drugs Expenditures: Own and Cross Price Elasticities. Barcelona, July, 2005.

17.    Medical Decision Making Annual Meetings, Cost sharing policies and health care demand: lessons from Canada. Atlanta, October, 2004.


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受邀为如下期刊担任匿名评审人:Frontiers of Economics in ChinaApplied EconomicsGlobal Health Research and PolicyInquirySocial Science & ScienceBMJ Open; Current Psychology; Frontiers in Psychology; Singapore Economic Review

