

屠梦薇  博士




Dr Mengwei Tu

Lecturer in Sociology

Email: mtu702@outlook.commengweitu@ecust.edu.cn



2006-2009 宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播学学士学位

2008-2008 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学公共传播国际交换项目

2009-2010 英国诺丁汉大学公共行政管理硕士学位(MPA)

2012-2013 英国肯特大学社会学研究方法学研究生毕业证书

2012-2016 英国肯特大学社会学博士

2017-2019 华东理工大学 师资博士后

2020 -华东理工大学 特聘副研究员

Formal Qualifications

2012- 2016 PhD in Sociology  University of Kent, UK

2012-2013  Postgraduate Certificate in Social Research Method University of Kent, UK

2009-2010  MA in Public Administration (MPA) University of Nottingham, UK

2006-2009  BA in International Communications University of Nottingham, Ningbo Campus, China




Research interests

International migration, overseas education, one-child family, international talent mobility




Tu, M. (2018) Education, migration and family relations between China and Britain: Transnational one-child generation, UK: Emerald.



Hu, Y., Xu, C. & Tu, M.* (2020) Family-mediated migration infrastructure: Chinese international students and parents navigating (im)mobilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese Sociological Review (SSCI), DOI: 10.1080/21620555.2020.1838271




Tu, M*. and Xie, K. (2020) Privileged Daughters? Gendered Mobility among Highly Educated Chinese Female Migrants in the UK. Social Inclusion (SSCI) 8(2): 68-76 (全文链接https://www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/2675/2675)


Tu, M. and Nehring D*. (2019) Remain, return, or re-migration? The (im)mobility trajectory of mainland Chinese students after completing their education in the UK. International Migration (SSCI) DOI: 10.1111/imig.12589


Tu, M*. (2017) The transnational one-child generation: Family relationships and overseas aspiration between China and the UK. Children’s Geographies (SSCI) 17(5): 565-577. DOI:



Tu, M*. (2016) Chinese one-child families in the age of migration: middle class transnational mobility, ageing parents, and the changing role of filial piety. The Journal of Chinese Sociology. 3:15 (全文链接:https://journalofchinesesociology.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40711-016-0036-z



Tu, M. and Nehring, D. (2020) The moral grammar of Chinese transnational one-child families: Filial piety and middle-class migration between China and the United Kingdom. in New Chinese Immigrants in Europe: Image, Identity and Social Participation, Liu, Y. & Wang, S. (eds). Berlin: De Gruyter.



2018European Association for Chinese Studies Biennial Conference, University of Glasgow, UK格拉斯哥大学

Title: From students to professionals in the UK: The human complexities behind new Chinese migrants’ decision-making process (29 August)


2016 “Dynamic China” British Postgraduate Network for Chinese Studies 2016 Annual Conference, London 伦敦国王学院

Title: More Chinese women study in the UK than men: a sign of gender equality in China? (23 June)


2016  “Governing Migration” Symposium, Bristol 布里斯托大学

Title: Attracting students, filtering talent? The impact of UK migration policies on post-study Chinese migrants. (17 June)





 Students/graduates form Belt-and-Road countries in China: migration network and career trajectory”

Funded by the National Social Research Fund of China 18CSH011

200,000 RMB, PI




 International Community Management and Foreign Residents Integration in Shanghai”

Funded by the Shanghai Government, Changning District

100,000 RMB, PI




 Transnational Talent Circulation in the Context of a Rising China”

Funded by the The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

80,000 RMB, PI



2017  获上海市博士后日常经费资助

2012-2015 肯特大学香港校友会奖学金Kent Hong Kong Alumni Scholarship Award

20132015 获肯特大学Allcorn Box学者奖金Kent Allcorn Box Scholar



 受邀担任SSCI期刊Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority PsychologyInternational Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Family Issues 等匿名评审

 中国教育流动研究网络(Network for Research into Chinese Education Motilities)理事会成员


2019.8 来华留学生:标签下的千面人生,载于《澎湃新闻》https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_4101931

2019.1 “For Chinese Women, Foreign Study Doesn’t Bring Gender Equality”, Sixth Tone

2018.6 学人说|远大前程VS天各一方:少年留学会将家庭带向何方?原载“缪斯夫人”,转载“知识分子”

2017.8  独生子女在海外: “精英”背后的性别观察《中国妇女报》http://paper.cnwomen.com.cn/content/2017-08/15/041328.html

2016.12.11  在凤凰网直播1小时讲座“从留学到移民背后勇气和迷惘“,点击数近20

2014.9 至今加入英国议员韦鸣恩勋爵华人发展团队,旨在提高在英华人影响力https://diasporaleadership.co.uk/leadership/2014-profile/